Friday, February 8, 2008

MN Link etc

I am now registered at more sites than I ever thought I would be!!! It's OK because I think I will use them with my students. One site, although not of such immediate good use was WorldCat. The big projects that my IB students work involve world music and this year some of them had a lot of trouble finding sources. Looking at WorldCat helped them find several more options and let them see how much information there is out there. It's too late to order the materials for this year but now I'm ready for next year.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bibliographic Tools

I really wasn't going to cheat and write 2 blogs in one night, especially since I did it last night, but I am preparing for this weeks class and I realized that there are several of these "things" that I have done while enrolled for this class that I haven't documented. As I refelcted on updating my homepage I realized that as this class has unfolded I have been able to add several bibliographic tools for my students to use. One of them is Citation generator, but the best one is the site that is devoted to citing music and all the variations associated with music, from compositions to live performances.

My students have always known that they need to reference their sources. It has always been so important to me that if their bibliography and citations aren't correct they can only earn 75% on their research paper. I don't know if that's a little or alot but their ears prick up when I tell them that the highest grade they can hope to earn is a C if there is something wrong with their bibliography. I just hope their learning and understanding. The best thing about this focus is that they understand that it's OK to write what other people say BUT!!! they must cite their sources. Their research paper is the way they combine their research, not the fact that they have become "experts" in their subjects. That comes later right????


I've kept my homepage updated and now that I spotted that as "one of my 6 things" I can blog and reflect. I've added the RPC, an excellent music citation reference, a dictionary of folk music, several other music sites. Pretty cool stuff. As I look through the internet I do add to it. I feel more comfortable with my school webpage and I consider it my homepage. I know my studnets have linked to it so when I add a resource they have instant access. It will be noice when they come up with a way to allow us to have the right passwords to allow our students access to United Streaming. I know they would love to see all the resources there. But then they have YouTube with lots of other great stuff. Hmmm. We need a little of both.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Just re-read my blog and realized I hadn't reflected on my experience with YouTube. I was able to find two of the coolest videos. One is an interview with John Cage about his ideas on music and the use of sound and silence. One of his most controversial compositions is also performed on another YouTube clip. In that piece the performer sits at the piano and the piece begins when s/he closs the keyboard lid. The audience sounds and sound occurring in the hall are the "composition." There are three movements and each movement begins with the closing of the lid and ends with the opening. The piece ends after 4'33" when the performer opens the lid to the piano. Kind of strange watching a video of it but there it was!!!! Here's the link to watch for yourself. Now my problem is how can I use it when I can't access it at school? I've searched teachertube but it's not there. Where do I look and what should I do now?

Streaming Videos

Had a chance to use a video from the Annenburg Media site. How great!!! It was so slick and easy to use the LCD projector and one click and the screen was filled. Also signed up for United Streaming. Wow what a great resource!!! Almost too much to look through. But the kids really seem to enjoy the change from standard videos and naturally from lectures. The best thing about this video was the opportunity for my students to view live performances of world music instruments and performances.